Transfer Penalty with 3 Year Lookback Imposed on VA Aid and Attendance

 By Attorney Tammy A. Weber, CELA*


In a final
rule issued on September 18, 2018, the Department of Veterans
Affairs (“VA”) amended its regulations governing VA pension benefits effective
October 18, 2018.  This rule has been
over three years in the making as the VA first proposed these changes in January
2015.  There is now a three-year lookback
period with penalties for asset transfers

Who to Choose as your Financial Pinch-Hitter – a Family Member or a Trust Company?

One of the
most crucial estate planning questions is this: Who should you designate to
step-in and manage your financial affairs if the day comes when you no longer
want to, or are no longer able to, continue to do it yourself?

In my
experience, most people don’t give much thought to this question, even though they
will be trusting this person with their life savings and financial security.  

Who Decides for me if I don’t have an advance directive?

Recently I made a late-night visit to a hospital Emergency
Room. Fortunately, it wasn’t anything too serious. Upon discharge I was given a
lot of paperwork to take home with me. Included was a booklet titled “Advance
Directives and Planning.”

I appreciate that my local Emergency Department is giving
out information on advance directives, which the booklet defined as “a way for
you to tell